The Tamil Nadu state government has announced a holiday for all schools and colleges on December 16, 2024, in light of the ongoing TNPSC Group-2 exams. These exams are being conducted across more than 1,368 centres in the state, including educational institutions.
The TNPSC Group-2 exam is a two-day event
The first session was held on Sunday, and another session will take place today in selected schools and colleges. Approximately 5 lakh candidates have registered for the exams this year. The exams are divided into four papers, with the first and third papers scheduled from 10 am to 12:30 pm, and the second and fourth papers from 3 pm to 5:30 pm.
Important Exam Day Guidelines
Candidates are reminded to bring all necessary documents to the exam centre, including their admit card and a valid government-issued identification proof, such as an Aadhar card or PAN card. They must also follow the exam day guidelines listed on their hall tickets. Any discrepancies should be immediately reported to the exam authorities.
TNPSC Group-2 Exam Results & Next Steps
The TNPSC recently declared the results for the Combined Civil Services Examination 2 (Group-2 A Services) prelims on December 12, 2024. The preliminary exam was held on September 14, and those shortlisted for the Main Written Examination are required to pay a fee of Rs 150 (unless eligible for an exemption).
Candidates must also select two district centres for the Main Examination through their registered OTR ID between December 14 and December 18, 2024.