Thiruvananthapuram: If teachers of state-run schools in Kerala are found working in private tuition centres, they will face departmental action, including cuts to their increments.
The Left government has taken a decision in this regard to curb such activities as part of efforts to further strengthen the state’s general education sector.
State General Education Minister V Sivankutty Warns Of Stringent Action
State General Education Minister V Sivankutty on Tuesday warned of stringent action against teachers of state-run schools if they are found working in private tuition centres.
He said it is against the rules and norms for government employees to engage in parallel jobs while serving in government positions. “Teachers in state-run schools should not work in private tuition centres,” Sivankutty said in a statement.
The state Vigilance Department and the vigilance wing of the General Education Department will closely monitor the matter, he added.
Action will be taken against those found guilty, the minister said and requested Parents and Teachers Associations (PTAs) in schools to report to the department if any government teachers are found working in private tuition centres.
Sivankutty emphasised that the state’s general education sector has flourished with society’s support and must continue to do so.
Statement Of A Senior Official Of The General Education Department
A senior official of the General Education Department said action would be taken against the errant teachers based on the rules and norms under the Kerala Education Rules (KER) and the Right to Education Act.
“It is not possible to initiate any criminal proceedings against the teachers of the government and aided schools even if they are found working in any private tuition centres. But we can take departmental actions against them, like an increment cut for the service rules violation,” he told PTI.
He said it is an existing practice, and the department has already been taking action against errant teachers based on the information received.
“There are practical limitations for us to monitor each private tuition centre and find out whether teachers of state-run or aided schools are working there parallelly. But the vigilance wing of the police keeps a strict vigil against such actions, as it is considered as part of corruption,” the officer added.
Sivankutty Addresses Class 11 Paper Leak Case
Meanwhile, Sivankutty assured that a comprehensive investigation is underway regarding the recent leakage of question papers for the Class 11 Christmas examinations.
Portions of the exam paper were found on a YouTube channel, and stringent measures are being taken in response, he said. Sivankutty also assured that there would be no lapses in conducting examinations. He added that the present issues would be resolved and the process would move forward.
The Kerala General Education Department formed a six-member committee on Monday to investigate the leak of question papers for the Class 11 Christmas examinations.
(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)