Mumbai: Activist Aftab Siddiqui Files Complaint Against BMC Officials For Inhuman Treatment

In an inhuman treatment to a public servant, the cabin of an Assistant Engineer (AE) of BMC was allegedly locked up by the Assistant Municipal Commissioner in a way to not allow the AE to enter his office.

Activist from Bandra, Aftab Siddiqui has written to BMC Commissioner Bhushan Gagrani and Deputy Municipal Commissioner Vishwas Mote complaining about unjust treatment to AE of H West ward (Bandra West) Sachin Hanamdhar by Assistant Municipal Commissioner Vinayak Vispute.

Siddiqui has alleged that Hanamdar, who is known for his good work in H West ward, has been transferred by Vispute defying a Stay Order BMC Commissioner on Hanamdar’s transfer.

“Does Mr Vispute has discretionary powers to go against an order of the Municipal Commissioner? I have seen myself the inhuman treatment given to AE Hanamdar by other senior officers in H West ward.

He does good work and BMC Commissioner has ordered to continue his posting in H West until the beautification project in Bandra is completed. However, Vispute chose to go against the chief’s order and made his own rule,’ Siddiqui said.

A source from the BMC said that Hanamdar was transferred to Roads department in November 2023. However, his joining was delayed after meeting with the BMC Commissioner, who ordered to continue his posting until projects undertaken by Hanamdar are completed.

Hanamdar was later put on Election Duty, however was completing his duties in the ward office as well to keep the projects going. It is because of the internal dispute in officers from H West ward, an efficient public servant is been shunted.

“It is shame to the BMC administration when an efficient officer dedicated to public service is humiliated by locking his cabin. Municipal Commissioner Bhushan Gagrani should immediately look into the matter and take action against Vinayak Vispute, who is heading the H West ward for more than five years now.”

Siddiqui alleged that Vispute is able to defy the commissioner’s Stay Order and also has managed to stay at the H West due to his close political ties.

FPJ tried contacting BMC Commissioner Bhushan Gagrani who could not be reached for a comment. Deputy Municipal Commissioner Vishwas Mote agreed to have received a complaint from activist Aftab Siddiqui, however said he was busy for any comment.

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