Jumped Deposit Scam: Here’s How To Stay Safe From THIS UPI Scam

There has been an increased rise in online/digital payments for the past few years. Now a new scam has risen. The new scam named ‘Jumped Deposit,’ scam has been affecting many users.  

Understanding ‘Jumped deposit’ scam

The new scam can be identified as a ‘quite a planned one,’ The ‘Jumped Deposit’ scam starts with an unexpected credit to a victim’s bank account through UPI. This deposited amount is usually small. For example, you will get a message that ‘Rs 400 has been credited to your account’. Now this will eventually lure the victim into checking their bank balance.

Soon after that the scammer initiates a new withdrawal request for a larger amount. After seeing the unexpected credit, the victim opens the payment app and enter their PIN to check their account balance. This then results in approving the scammer’s withdrawal request. Thus draining your entire bank account.

How to stay safe

The Tamil Nadu Cyber Crime Wing has already issued a warning about this scam in December 2024. The initiative came after receiving multiple reports about this fraudulent activity. Other reports from the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal also highlights a surge in such complaints. So, how do you stay safe? Given below are some guidelines, which yuou can apply for staying safe:

First you need to allow at least 15 to 30 minutes of time before opening your banking app after receiving an unexpected deposit. This will expire the unauthorize withdrawal request

To cancel the transaction enter an incorrect PIN when checking your balance for the first time 

Make sure that you receive  email alerts or text messages for every digital payment you make 

You need to strengthen your security by adding multi-faced authentication (MFA)for every banking apps

Do not share your OTP, PIN, or other sensitive details with others

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