Aurangabad: Koyta Gang Strikes Waluj, Burgling Shops and Instilling Fear

Pune has been seeing a rise of Koyta-borne assailants threatening people and small shop owners. Now, a gang burgling shops has become active in the Waluj area in a similar way. The gang members carry Koyata (sickle) to threaten people and rob them. In the past two days, the gang burgled nine shops and stole cash and other valuables. They have been captured in CCTV cameras carrying Koyata. The traders and residents panicked and demanded that stern action be taken to curb the gang. The gang broke into four shops at Jaibhavani Chowk in Bajajnagar on Saturday, and five shops were burgled on Sunday. The police teams called the dog squad and fingerprint experts to trace the gang members.

On Saturday, the thieves burgled a mobile shop owned by Vishal Pawar, a medical shop of Pratik Desai, Radhakrishna Photo Frame Makers, and a general store. Shri Gajanan White Laundry was burgled, and valuables worth Rs 3.50 lakh were stolen.

On Sunday, a grocery shop of Santosh Kadam, Tuljai Medical, Deogiri Super Market, and Deogiri Steel shop were burgled.

In the last two years, there has been an increase in incidents involving miscreants, including minors, using koytas to terrorize and attack people in Pune. Koyta gangs have been known to brandish billhooks and instigate fear, particularly in the outskirts of Pune. In response to such incidents, Pune Police have made it mandatory for shopkeepers to maintain records of individuals purchasing koytas, including their Aadhaar card details.

This incident is just one in a series of acts of terror that have been plaguing Pune city over the past few months. The root cause appears to be disputes over supremacy among gangs, with youths engaging in the destructive act of vandalizing vehicles. Authorities are working to address the escalating situation and bring those responsible to justice.

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