DIY Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Sure chocolate and roses make good Valentine’s Day gifts, but what about the gift of quality time? To help you dream up the perfect date idea this year, here we give you some unconventionally romantic things to do on Valentine. So, get ready to fall in love with these ideas.

Material required:

Board games


Enjoy dinner and a movie at home: Dinner and a movie is a total date night classic—but it can get real pricey real quick. Dinner at a nice restaurant means leaving a tip (always tip, especially on holidays!). And movie ticket prices are so high it feels like you ought to at least get a high five from the actors in real life for what you just spent to watch them on the big screen. Here is how you can take this classic date and give it a thrifty twist. Set up a candlelit dinner at home and watch a romantic movie on whatever streaming service you already have. While everyone else is scrambling to find a reservation and a babysitter, you can relax at home. 

Hit the open road: It’s a simple but memorable adventure! Just hop in the car with your special someone and drive. If you want to save on gas, choose a not-too-far destination, like an antique store at the end of a winding country lane or a park where you can walk and sip hot cocoa in layers of warm, cozy clothes. Find a town you have never visited, hit up a famous landmark, or revisit an old favourite spot and recreate a photo together. Don’t forget to make a playlist to listen to while driving around. (And make sure you include your special song for an extra romantic touch.)

Have a game night: This is an ultimate affordable date night. Who doesn’t love a good board game and a little friendly competition? Dust off a few classics from your closet or buy (or borrow) a new game. Are video games more your thing? Then you can go that route too. All that gaming will probably make you hungry, so have some Valentine’s-themed snacks on hand. Pick up some red velvet cupcakes, candy conversation hearts or the gold standard—a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Visit a museum: Tickets to a local museum usually are not too crazy expensive. And sometimes you can even find coupons or free culture passes through your local library. Learn a little about art or history—and each other—as you wander through the marble halls. Point out your favourite (and least favourite) pieces. Or, if you want to give the date a fun new twist, make up new names for the artwork or pretend to be stuffy art critics. Combine this idea with your home-cooked dinner and a movie or game night, and you will have a packed day full of fun.

Take a hike or enjoy an easy nature walk: Pack a lunch, grab a few water bottles (or kombucha, for you super healthy people), and hit the trail. There is nothing like getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and getting into nature to help you connect. You will be amazed at the quality of conversation you can have with someone while you are hoofing it up a mountain or moseying along a quiet trail in the woods. And bonus points for all the fresh air and exercise you will get in. It’s Valentine’s Day, after all, so why not get your heart in shape while you are at it? (And if the great outdoors is so not your thing—ahem, guilty—a long walk through the neighbourhood works too.

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