MPBSE To Withdraw ‘Best Of Five’ Scheme From Next Session

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has announced to withdraw the ‘best of five’ subjects scheme from the next academic session 2025-26.

However, in the current year the scheme would remain effective, officials said here on Wednesday. The board had started the ‘best of five’ scheme for class 10 students in 2018.

To note, in 2017, a large number of students had failed in various subjects. The Board had then decided to include the marks of only five subjects in the final result and the scheme started from class 9.

Now the Board has decided to roll back its decision. The scheme will continue in the academic session 2024-25 in Class 9 and for class 10 it will remain effective in session 2025-26.

For students of class 9, the scheme will be lifted from the academic session 2025-26 and for the students of class 10 it will be withdrawn from academic session 2026-27.

Board officials informed that the decision to end the scheme was related to qualifications for state and national level exams. In exams like army recruitments, it was essential to pass in mathematics, science and Hindi language. In other exams like those of ITI, the students were required to have passing marks in Maths and science.  

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