The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT 2025) results at Candidates can download their scorecards by entering their application number and date of birth.
The exam was held on January 25 in two shifts in 107 cities and 178 exam centers. A total of 74,012 candidates registered, and 63,145 of them took the Computer Based Test (CBT), resulting in an overall attendance of 85.32 percent.
How to check the result:
Step 1: Go to, the official website.
Step 2: Select the tab labelled “CMAT-2025 Scorecard.”
Step 3: Type in your security pin, date of birth, and application number.
Step 4: To log in, click “Submit.”
Step 5: Save your CMAT 2025 scorecard to your computer for future use.
Marking scheme:
The NTA score for CMAT is calculated by multiplying 100 by the number of candidates who appeared in the session with a raw score equal to or less than the candidate, divided by the total number of candidates who appeared. CMAT 2025 Marking Scheme Each question in the CMAT exam receives four points. Each right answer is worth four (+4) points. For each erroneous response, one mark is deducted (-1). Unanswered or unattempted questions are not graded. If numerous options are correct, those who answered the question properly receive full marks. If a question is dropped, all candidates receive full marks.
When two or more applicants receive the same score on the CMAT 2025 tie-breaking criteria, the candidates are ranked according to their date of birth in ascending order, with older candidates being ranked higher. Candidates who receive similar merit ranks are skipped to the next rank if their scores are identical. For instance, if two applicants are ranked at Rank 2, Rank 4 will be allocated to the next candidate, bypassing Rank 3.