From Materialism To Morality

We all know that the issue of corruption has stirred up numerous debates and agitations and attracted extensive coverage in the mass media over the past few years. It has been a kind of tradition for every government coming to power to introduce various legislative proposals to root out bribery and to pass bills to check corruption. But we all know that no number of laws will be able to arrest corruption, as has been the experience so far.

Why? Already a plethora of legislations exist, but when it comes to their implementation, there is a big question mark. This is so because the implementing agencies also consist of such humans who could be taken over by greed, just like those who they are expected to monitor.

The growing frenzy for acquiring more and more wealth, by any means, is born out of the illusion that money can buy anything – respect, love, even peace, and happiness. This belief has found favour with most over the years, and materialism has eroded people’s faith in moral and spiritual values. 

Today, simple living and high thinking have become a thing of the past, and luxurious living and low thinking are the order of the day. The media and the advertising industry are further making this mirage look life-like, by glamourising a money-driven lifestyle.

As a result of this, people are putting more and more of their inner selves at stake in order to consume more and more from outside, fearing that they might otherwise be left behind. A corrupt government servant and a citizen have one thing in common — overwhelmed by greed, they both bypass their conscience first before bypassing the laws of the land.

Whereas a morally-sound individual does not need to fear law and punishment to refrain from an act detrimental to society. He abstains from wrong-doing simply because he is obedient to his inner call. Hence, we as a civil society should understand one thing very clearly: there is no magic wand to root out corruption.

However, what we need urgently is a dedicated strategy to rebuild the conscience of the country. And it can only be done by imparting moral values in individuals through the education system and the media. It is only when we weed out moral corruption from within individuals and help their spiritual values emerge that our mass campaign against corruption will bear fruit. 

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(Writer is a spiritual educator & popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal & UK. Till Date 8500+ Published Columns have been written by Him)

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