Equality Not Superiority: 5 Basic Rights Women Truly Ask For

Although the world continues to evolve, clarity about what women truly fight for or are struggling for still remains unclear. In a country like ours, though the progress and change is seen in metropolitan cities and developing towns, the stereotypical ideologies still remain unchanged. A woman’s character is still judged on her habits, the way she dresses, speaks and even the friends she hangs out with.

‘She’ is not truly celebrating her femineity, ‘She’ is still explaining why she deserves everything she desires and more. Women taking a stand for themselves, behaving independent, having opinions is often misunderstood for her trying to be a man and prove she is better. Well, no! The goal is not to be above men but to have the same opportunities, respect, and rights. Here are five basic rights that women truly seek, even today!

Equal pay for equal work

One of the biggest issues women face is the gender pay gap. In many industries, women are paid less than men for doing the same job. This is unfair and discouraging. Women ask for fair wages based on their skills and experience, not their gender. Equal pay ensures financial independence and a better quality of life. Many actresses come out even today and share how they are paid fragments of what the make actor is paid. In corporates, women are often denied of higher positions assuming she won’t be able to handle the responsibility with her family and kids. No growth, hence no raise!

Freedom to make personal choices

Women should have the right to make decisions about their own lives, including education, career, marriage, and health. In some places, women still struggle to access education or healthcare. The right to make personal choices allows women to live freely and contribute fully to society. No matter how educated the daughter is, the question still comes down to ‘When are you planning to get married?’ & ‘Women should marry in the right age to avoid pregnancy complications’ assuming she wants to get married and wants to have children! Being woke does not mean just agreeing to women empowerment. It will truly make sense when you start seeing women as individuals who can think for themselves.

Safety and protection from violence

Every woman deserves to feel safe at home, at work, and in public spaces. Unfortunately, harassment, domestic violence, and abuse are still common problems. Women are not asking for special treatment-just the basic right to live without fear. The unfortunate rape and murder incident of the R. G. Kar Medical College sent chills down the spine of every Indian women who walks into her workspace every single day and envisions a successful career. Is a safe workspace too much to ask for?

Equal opportunities in education and work

Women want the same chances as men when it comes to education and jobs. Many talented women are held back due to gender bias. Imagine being denied of a promotion, a job or a responsibility simply because of your gender. The concept of feminism is not to prove women can do it too and do it better than men, but only to be served with equal platforms for a fair game. When women have equal access to education and work, they can contribute more to society and improve the economy.

Representation and respect in society

Women ask to be heard and valued in leadership roles, politics, media, and other fields. When women are represented fairly, decisions are made with everyone’s needs in mind. Respect for women’s voices leads to a more balanced and just society.

This International Women’s Day, let’s continue to voice our opinions against inequality and create safe spaces, safe families and safe environments for women!

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