Rare Sight Of 2 Owls Romantically Kissing Each Other Goes Viral, Wildlife Photographer Wins Praises

In the times when spotting an owl in itself is a rare thing for most people, spotting two of them interacting closely with each other is surely one of the rarest sight you would come across. A wildlife photographer from Canada was pleased to spot two owls sharing a heartwarming gesture and appearing to romantically kiss each other in an expression of love and affection. Identified as Colton Lockridge, the man behind the camera captured the impressive moment on his lenses and shared the visuals online.

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The video actually surfaced online last year, however, it has caught the attention of nature lovers and internet users quite recently after a page named ‘Insider History’ shared it on Instagram with due credits.

The video opened to show two owls seated on a branch, lost into each others’ eyes. One of the owls took tiny steps and walked closer to the other. Soon, the owl approached the other one in an affectionate way and started kissing it. After a few initial kisses on its body, they two owls were seen involved in a romantic moment. They were also seen trying to hold each other while getting lip locked.

Wildlife photographer describes moment

Were they couples seated on a tree branch for a romantic date together? Not really. Colton mentioned them to be siblings and described the moment by saying, “What an experience.. alone in the woods I watched these two siblings interacting. From what I can gather, they’re play-fighting and preening each other before going out to hunt.” “I have never seen or knew this was a behavior they did to each other until now. So incredible,” the wildlife enthusiast added in his post.

Netizens react in praise

The incredible visuals filmed by the photographer were praised by netizens. “Stunning Capture,” wrote one. “Wow! This is beautiful and powerful. Love is so natural,” another added. The comments also saw a mix of emojis referring to love and happiness.

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