One of the iconic Ganesh pandals in Mumbai happens to be Chinchpokli Sarvjanik Ganesh Utsav Pandal. This year, it welcomed Lord Jagannath-inspired Ganpati Bappa. The iconic faces of Jagannath Baldev and Subhadra formed the backdrop of the Ganesha idol here. The majestic idol runs 22 feet tall and showers blessings on devotees from the great height. This pandal was established in 1920, making it more than a century-old festive spot for citizens. This Ganesh pandal has already been visited by several famous personalities including Ajit Pawar, Uddhav and Aditya Thackeray, Padmashree Muralikant Petkar, Manish Advikar, Manasi Naik and others. As you visit this pandal soon, we ask you loudly chant “Ganpati Bappa Morya” to seek the blessings of Chinchpoklicha Chintamani.Mumbai Cha Maharaja In Khetwadi: Take Darshan Of Tallest Ganpati Bappa In The City
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