Mumbai: New Measures To Reduce Polling Booth Crowds For Assembly Elections; Voter Limits Cut From 1,500 To 1,250

Mumbai: To tackle the crowds and chaos observed at polling booths during the LokSabha elections, the Mumbai city Collector and Mumbai suburban Collector have implemented a new measure for the state Assembly elections. The maximum number of voters per polling booth will be reduced from 1,500 to 1,250. This will enhance voter experience and ensure a more organized and efficient voting process, believes the official.

विधानसभा निवडणूक २०२४ च्या पार्श्वभूमीवर, जिल्हा निवडणूक अधिकारी तथा बृहन्मुंबई महानगरपालिका आयुक्त श्री. भूषण गगराणी यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली आणि विविध राजकीय पक्षांच्या प्रतिनिधींसमवेत बृहन्मुंबई महानगरपालिका मुख्यालयात आज बैठक पार पडली.

येत्या विधानसभा निवडणुकीसाठी…

— माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC (@mybmc) August 16, 2024

On Friday, Mumbai District Election Officer Bhushan Gagrani held a review meeting with representatives from various political parties at the civic headquarters. During the meeting, Mumbai City District Collector Sanjay Yadav and Mumbai Suburban District Collector Rajendra Kshirsagar provided a comprehensive overview of the recent changes. Gagrani urged the representatives of political parties to support the efforts of the authorities, ensuring that they reach as many voters as possible and thereby increasing voter turnout.

Kshirsagar noted, “Although the average number of voters per booth is currently around 1,000, we have set a maximum limit of 1,250 voters per booth. We are optimistic that this will help reduce queues at polling centers.” Yadav advised citizens to verify the voter list, as their previous polling station may have changed. Meanwhile, the number of polling booths at each center will be adjusted based on the center’s area. The measure is taken to increase voter turnout at polling centers. The district collector’s offices will be launching a ‘Know Your Polling Station’ drive, and voters can submit their suggestions.

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The eligible new voters can register, and existing voters will get the opportunity to make changes, corrections, and updates to their details in the electoral roll. Additionally, voters will have the opportunity to link their mobile numbers with their names in the voter list. The electoral roll revision program will be conducted until August 20, while the final electoral roll is scheduled to be published on August 30.

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