Planet Tracker: Venus in Virgo Know How It Affects Your Zodiac Signs

Venus travelled to Virgo on August 25 and plans to stay there till September 18th. This planet of love normally loves luxury and opulence. It rules beauty, creativity and prosperity. It symbolizes wealth, glory and happiness.

However, being in the Earth sign Virgo, kind of, sobers down the magnum opus plans of Venus. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, who turns back to its normal cycle after three weeks of retrograde on August 27th. Mercury and Venus are friends. Usually, their partnership can enhance creativity and might bring about miraculous changes in your finances. But Virgo demands stability, which cuts down on the creative spontaneity of this duo. We will be forced to analyse the state of our finances and relationships – personal and professional.

Let us check how a few signs will be impacted by this movement of Venus:


Take care of what goes into your mouth. Your digestive system might be weak for a while. Do not exert it more with junk food. Family issues may crop up out of the blue. This means arguments, settlements and more. You might be forced to spend money out of your reserves to solve a few family problems or to bail out a relative. Don’t fret if you come across obstacles in professional life. This is temporary and will change after Venus changes signs.


You are one of the lucky signs who will be bestowed with happiness during Venus’ stay in Virgo. Children will be bearers of good news – it could be a scholarship, marriage or a baby. Venus showers its prosperity on you. Relationships will see a significant improvement. Your significant other will start appreciating you and pamper you.


Creative professionals will see a jump in their careers. With Mercury back on track and Venus in a sign ruled by Mercury, creativity will be blessed. You will see harmonious work ambiance coming into play. Venus in Virgo will help you present an analytical view of projects. Colleagues and seniors will appreciate your work and clarity of thought. Communication channels at work will improve. However, be cautious and don’t go overboard in voicing your viewpoint.

Planet Tracker: Mercury Goes Retrograde


It is showtime for you with Venus stationed in your sign. It will give you confidence and help you take control of your life. You will be forced to analyse your current stand. The surge of confidence will help, the otherwise introvert, you to go out and make a mark on the social circuit. A good time for singles to mingle.  Your newly found self-assurance will aid in attracting eligibles. Financial gains are also indicated during this period.


Fitness might be an issue. You might have anxiety pangs as well. It is time to evaluate and review your daily routine, diet, and exercise. Make the necessary changes. Do meditation or yoga. If necessary, take the help of a counsellor. Your ruling planet in an Earth sign may affect your relationships. You might want to isolate yourself from everyone. Don’t be disheartened. This is a temporary phase. Workwise a good phase.


Don’t fret and fume if things at work seem a little slow, if you are an entrepreneur.  Use the time to introduce a new strategy. Analyse what’s making the progress slow and work on it. People in jobs might get the much-awaited promotion. It is time to flaunt the brand ‘you’ at work. If single, you might find yourself attracted to someone at work and that person might reciprocate as well.


Another lucky sign during this phase. Lady Luck is going to be smiling at you. You are an Earth sign and Venus’ stay in another Earth sign will initiate a self-analysis and self-improvement cycle in you. This will enable you to upskill yourself and which will gain you accolades at work. Relationships, too, will improve. You and your partner might go on a spiritual vacation.

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