Basti: In a shameful incident which came to light from Uttar Pradesh’s Basti, a ward boy at a private hospital recorded a video while performing surgery on a female patient after undressing her and shared the video on social media. The ward boy shared the video on his WhatsApp status which was seen by many people and this sparked outrage after which the health department was forced to take action into the matter.
There are reports that the ward boy was assisting the doctors in the surgery and the woman is seen lying naked in the operation theatre. The ward boy recorded the video of the procedure and shared the video on his social media account. The people who saw the video also shared it on social media demanding action against the ward boy for his shameful act. The incident occurred at Hardiya-based Basti Care Multispecialty Hospital and Eye Center where the woman was admitted prior to the surgery.
उत्तरप्रदेश के बस्ती जिले के एक प्राइवेट अस्पताल का वार्डबॉय एक महिला को निर्वस्त्र कर उसका ड्रेसिंग कर रहा है। वीडियो वायरल होने के बाद वार्डबॉय ने बताया कि वह बस्ती केयर हॉस्पिटल के संचालक डॉक्टर संजय कुमार के कहने पर हमने महिला का ड्रेसिंग किया है, ये है बाबा के यूपी का हाल
— Izaan khan (@Izaankh55573896) August 14, 2024
As the video went viral on social media, the ward boy allegedly said that he performed the surgery of the woman on the instructions of Dr. Sanjay Kumar, who is the director of Basti Care Multispecialty Hospital and Eye Center. However, when contacted by a NTF, Sanjay Gautam said that he is unaware of the incident and also said that the hospital administration would initiate an investigation in connection with the matter and take necessary action against the ward boy for his disgraceful act.
महिला को नग्न कर के उसकी ड्रेसिंग कर रहा था वॉर्ड बॉय, बस्ती के प्राइवेट अस्पताल का वीडियो वायरल हुआ तो मच गया बवाल।
जानिए जांच के बाद इस वायरल वीडियो को लेकर क्या जानकारी सामने आई है।#Basti #ViralVideo #UPNews
— UP Tak (@UPTakOfficial) August 15, 2024
The health department has formed a team to investigate the matter and also said that the guilty will not be spared. The department also said that a thorough investigation will be conducted after the Medical Officer-in-Charge (MOIC) was sent to the hospital to investigate the incident. The department made it clear that any form of negligence will not be tolerated and the guilty will have to face the harshest punishment for their disgraceful act.
उक्त प्रकरण में सीएमओ बस्ती द्वारा टीम गठित कर जांच की जा रही है, थाना कोतवाली पर कोई तहरीर प्राप्त नहीं है, प्राप्त होने पर अन्य आवश्यक वैधानिक कार्यवाही की जाएगी।
— BASTI POLICE (@bastipolice) August 15, 2024
The police said that no official complaint has been registered in connection with the matter. They said, “In the above case, investigation is being carried out by CMO Basti by forming a team, no complaint has been received at the police station, other necessary legal action will be taken upon receipt.”
The incident has exposed the harrowing condition of health care facilities under the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh. Many such incidents highlighting negligence by the hospital authorities which have caused patients their lives have come to the fore from Uttar Pradesh. The state government should take note of the grievous situation of health facilities and should take necessary steps to curb such incidents in the future.